

Dwell Management owns and manages numerous rental properties throughout Los Angeles, including 25 apartment buildings and several condos. Our management approach has always been designed to keep tenants satisfied and to maximize rental income at the same time. We work hard to develop truly valuable properties, investments that will continue to provide dependable returns for years to come.

Managing rental properties effectively is a full-time job, as any owner that has attempted to be a landlord can attest to. The process of marketing properties, screening tenants, performing maintenance and renovations, collecting rent, meeting legal guidelines and addressing tenant issues is complex and time consuming. In most cases, it takes a professional approach to do all of this well – especially when dealing with more than one property.

Our company excels at this process. We understand what it takes to manage effectively and we take pride in our ability to look out for the needs of both tenants and owners. We love what we do, and we love doing it well.

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